Current Projects

Cognitive processes underlying motor learning

Motor learning is essential for performing complex motor behaviors that underlie activities of daily living (e.g., driving, brushing our teeth) as well as activities that bring joy and meaning to our lives (e.g., playing an instrument or sport). We examine cognitive and motor processes underlying motor learning and how they are affected by aging, cannabis use, and movement disorders.

Effects of cannabis use on cognition and motor behavior

We are interested in whether chronic cannabis use affects brain activity leading to changes in cognition and motor behavior.


Jamali, P., Kinkade, K.M., Ericson, A., Tyler, B., Prashad, S., & Catena, R.D. (2024). Different Neurocognitive Controls Modulate Obstacle Avoidance Through Pregnancy. Experimental Brain Research, 1-15.

Lambrechts, A. A., Larasatie, P., Boutelier, S., Guta, H., Leonowicz-Bukala, I., Martinez-Suarez, A., Prashad, S. (2021) Why Research productivity among women in academia suffered during the early stages of COVID-19 crisis: A qualitative analysis. EdArXiv.

Prashad, S., Du, Y., & Clark, J.E. (2021) Sequence structure has a differential effect on underlying motor learning processes. Journal of Motor Learning and Development, 9, 38-57.

Filbey, F.M., Beaton, D., & Prashad, S. (2021) The contributions of the endocannabinoid system and stress on the neural processing of reward stimuli. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 106, 110183.

Prashad, S., Hammonds, R. P., Wiese, A.L., Milligan, A.L., & Filbey, F.M. (2020) Sex-related differences in subjective, but not neural, cue-elicited craving response in heavy cannabis users. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 209, 107931.

Thayer, R.E., Hansen, N.S., Prashad, S., Karoly, H., Filbey F.M., Bryan, A.D., & Feldstein Ewing, S.W. (2019) Recent tobacco use has widespread associations with adolescent white matter microstructure. Addictive Behaviors, 101, 106152.

Prashad, S., Dedrick, E.S., To, W.T., Vanneste, S., & Filbey, F.M. (2019) Testing the role of the posterior cingulate cortex in processing salient stimuli in cannabis users: an rTMS study. European Journal of Neuroscience, 50, 2357-2369.

Prashad, S., Dedrick, E.S., & Filbey, F.M. (2018) Cannabis users exhibit increased cortical activation during resting state compared to non-users. NeuroImage, 179, 176-186.

Filbey, F.M., Gohel, S., Prashad, S., & Biswal, B.B. (2018) Differential associations of combined vs. isolated cannabis and nicotine on brain resting state networks. Brain Structure and Function, 223, 3317-3326.

Prashad, S., Milligan, A.L., Cousijn, J., & Filbey, F.M. (2017) Cross-cultural effects of cannabis use disorder: Evidence to support a cultural neuroscience approach. Current Addiction Reports, 2, 100-109.

Prashad, S. & Filbey, F.M. (2017) Cognitive motor deficits in cannabis users. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 13, 1-7.

Du, Y., Prashad, S., Schoenbrun, I., & Clark, J.E. (2016) Probabilistic motor sequence yields greater offline and less online learning than fixed sequence. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10.

Balch, T., Summet, J., Blank, D. S., Kumar, D., Guzdial, M., O’Hara, K., Walker, D., Sweat, M., Gupta, G., Tansley, S., Jackson, J., Gupta, M., Muhammad, M. N., Prashad, S., Eilbert, N., & Gavin, A. (2008) Designing personal robots for education: Hardware, software, and curriculum. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 7, 5-9.


Our research has been featured in various media outlets. Here are some selected pieces: